on Anaesthesiology, Intensive Therapy and Pain Medicine

Programme 2011

Programme of the Third British-Ukrainian Symposium


Thursday, 20.10.11

10:00-10:30 Opening remarks and Welcome. Yu.V. Voronenko

I.P. Semeniv

Richard Beale

Jane Lockie


Roman Cregg

Session (Hall А). Introduction to perioperative medicine.

Chair: I.P.Shlapak, Mary Newton, Roman Cregg

10:30-10:45 Introduction talk to perioperative medicine. Roman Cregg
10:45-11:15 Optimizing of perioperative management of neurosurgical operations. Mary Newton
11:15-11:30 Prist-surgeon. Life of archbishop Luke (V.F. Voyno-Yasenetskiy). I.P. Shlapak
Session (Hall B). Contemporary aspects of anaesthesiology and intensive therapy.

Chair: А.О. Girsh, V.V. Suslov.

0:30-10:45 Estimation of the efficacy of balanced and not balanced solutions in infusion therapy program of patients with blood loss. А.О. Girsh (Russia)
10:45-11:00 Sepsys and brain. L.О. Maltseva
11:00-11:15 Anaesthetic management of posterior cranial fossa tumors. G.P. Pasichnyk
11:15-11.30 Retrospective analysis of case notes of pregnant died from H1N1 viral pneumonia. О.Yu. Homenko
Workshop. Regional anaesthesia. (Hall С, Radiological building)
10:30-13:30 Practical work in regional anaesthesia. А.М. Strokany,
R.V. Bubnov
Workshop (Hall D). Invasive monitoring of haemodinamic.

Chair: O.E. Domoradskiy, Ye.V. Suborov

10:30-13:30 Technology of haemodinamic monitoring PiCCO. Ye.V. Suborov (Russia)
Workshop (Hall A). Preoperative Care.

Chair: Dr. Brigitta Brandner, Yu.Yu. Kobelyatskiy

11:45-12:15 How to organize a successful delivery of preoperative assessment pathway. Brigitta Brandner
12:15-12:30 Checklist of important items before operations before: experience of “big program” in small hospital. Iryna Rybinkina
12:30-13:00 Evidence-based preoperative assessment and optimization. Alex Dewhurst
Session (Hall B). Perioperative management of patients with cardiovascular pathology.

Chair: A.N. Parchomenko, О.А. Loskutov

11:45-12:05 Perioperatieve hypertension from the cardiologist point of view. А.N. Parchomenko
12:05-12:20 Complicated hypertonic crises of unusual genesis. І.P.Shlapak
12:20-12:35 Anaesthetic management of patients with hypertonic disease. О.А. Loskutov
12:35-12:50 Influences of biphasic regimens of respiratory support on the central hemodynamic in patients with severe trauma with multiorgan disfunction. І.А. Beshley
Session (Hall А). Intraoperative period

Chair: Alex Dewhurst, S.М. Byshovets

14:00-14:30 Intraoperative Echocardiography – use in general surgical/vascular/orthopaedic population. A new mandatory monitoring? Alex Dewhurst
14:30-14:45 Safety and performance considerations when selecting carbon dioxide absorbents for use is low flow anaesthesia. Meilute Milisauskiene
14:45-15:15 Major Vascular anaesthesia – challenges of perioperative care from monitoring to life saving. Brigitta Brandner
15:15-15:30 Contemporary aspects of noninvasive monitoring of cardiac output. Yu.Yu. Kobelyatskiy
Session (Hall B). Anaesthesia and intensive care in pediatrics.

Chair: М.А. Georgiyants, А.В. Belyaev, І.V. Kyselova

14:00-14:15 Cognitive functions in children in perioperative period. U.А. Fesenko
14:15-14:30 Actual directions of intensive therapy of haemodinamic disturbances of septic states in children. V.А. Korsunov
14:30-14.45 One day surgery in pediatrics: comparison of experience in UK and practice in Ukraine. І.V. Kyselova
14:45-15:00 Prokalcitonin as a predictor of diagnostics of organ insufficiency in children with septic complications. І.М. Yachnyk
15:00-15:15 Experience of BIS monitoring using in fast track inpatient department. О.V. Naumenkо
Session (Hall А). Infection, sepsis. Management in Perioperative Medicine

Chair: Geoff Bellingan, Richard Beale, А.М. Strokan, R.М. Fedosyuk

15:45-16:15 Update on surviving sepsis bundle – new guidelines. Richard Beale
16:15-16:30 Intensive therapy of nosocomial pneumonia in neurosurgical patient. Yu.Yu. Kobelyatskiy
16:30-17:00 Role of Medical Director of the Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine. Geoff Bellingan
17:00-17:30 Role of the Chairman of the Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine. Jane Lockie
17:30-17:45 Medical mistakes and patients’ safety in anaesthesia and intensive care. R.M.Fedosyuk
Session (Hall B). Actual questions in anaesthesiology.

Chair: О.А. Galushko, В.P. Stelmaschuk

15:45-16:00 Ultrasound using in anaestheisology. S.I.Vorotyntsev
16:00-16.15 Hidden cardiac problems in obese patients. І.V. Holodnayak
16.15-16:30 Caudal postoperative analgesia: new perspectives. D.О. Dzuba
16:30-16.45 Contemporary possibilities of efferent corrections of refractory and genetic hyperholesterinemias. V.P. Stelmaschuk
16.45-17.00 Strategy of antihyperalgesia in traumathology: variant perioperative systemic multimodal analgesia. О.М. Strogush
17.00-17.15 Hemodynamic profile comparison in total intravenous anaeshtsia and inhalation anaesthesia during transcutaneous lithotripsy. О.А. Rudy


Friday,  26.10.12


Session (Hall А). Contemporary aspects of intensive care.

Chair: Sandra Fairley, R.О. Tkachenko, О.V. Tarabrin

9:00-9:30 Nurse-led Post-operative Recovery Service. Sandra Fairley
9:30-9:45 Nurse-led Post-operative Recovery Service Contemporary approaches to antibacterial therapy of bacterial septicemia in practice intensive therapy physician. L.А. Harchenko
9:45-10:15 Preventing readmissions to the ITU – what is the future of Outreach in the UK? Joanne Bennetts
10:15-10:30 Nutritive support in acute respiratory failure. А.О. Girsh (Russia)
10:30-11:00 Principles of Nurse Staffing in Intensive Care. Sandra Fairley
11:00-11:15 Long term effects of surgical operations undergoing general anaesthesia. А.E. Domoratskiy
Workshops (Hall В). Menegement. Education.

Moderators: Roman Cregg, Yu.І. Nalapko.

9:00-10:00 Workshop in leadership and management. Geoff Bellingan
Richard Beale
10:10-10:45 For trainees in anaesthesia – open discussion session. Jane Lockie
Роман Грех
Iryna Rybinkina
10:45-11.15 Royal College examination: resident view. Iryna Rybinkina
Session (Hall А). Actual questions in intensive therapy.

Chair: Geoff Bellingan, Richard Beale, І.R. Malysh, Yu.І. Nalapko

11:30-12:00 ARDS. Geoff Bellingan
12:00-12:15 World tendentious in infusion therapy: skilfully start and timely stop. Yu.І. Nalapko
12:15-12.30 Monitoring of hemodynamic in anaesthesiology and intensive care. New oportunitis and perspectives. Ye.V. Suborov (Russia)
12:30-13:00 Update on artificial colloids. Richard Beale
Workshops (Hall В). Pain. Anaesthesiology.

Moderators: Alex Dewhurst, А.П. Мазур, О.А. Лоскутов

11:30-12:00 Diagnosis and Treatment of Back Pain; X – ray imaging increases precision in ain medicine. Robert Rapcan
12:00-12:30 Perioperative optimization of patients – St. Georges Hospital London experience. Alex Dewhurst
12:30-13:00 Protocols in delivery of intraoperative care in vascular patients. Brigitta Brandner
Workshops (Hall С). Nursing in anaesthesiology and intensive care.

Moderators: Charlotte Willett, Sandra Fairley, L.V. Zgrgheblovska, B.V. Mikhaylov

11:30-12:15 Advanced aspects of nursing care. Charlotte Willett
12:15-12:30 Role of nurse in the intensive therapy department team. О.А. Kolesnyk
12:30-12:45 Safe peripheral catheterization. L.О. Kharchenko
Session (Hall А). Educating the next generation of practitioners – what are the challenges

Chair: Jane Lockie, Roman Cregg, О.V. Tarabrin

14:00-14:15 Current training in anaesthesia – are we able to look after the sick patients in the extended.

perioperative period?

Roman Cregg
14:15-14:30 Medical staff protection from unintended traumatizing by nidle. L.О. Kharchenko
14:30-15:00 Recruitment into anaesthesia – new approaches. Jane Lockie
15:00-15:15 Risk of thrombosis. О.V. Tarabrin
Workshops (Hall B). Regional anaesthesia.

Moderators: А.М. Strokan, D.N. Uvarov

14:00-15:30 Transabdominal block (ТАР block). D.N. Uvarov (Russia)
Session (Hall А). Pain treatment, regional anaesthesia.

Chair: V.S. Fesenko, А.М. Strokan

15:45-16:15 Hyperalgesia, caused by opiates: clinical significance and perioperative control. Yu.Yu. Kobelyatskiy
16:15-16:30 Does the alternative for epidural block during laparoskopy exist? D.N. Uvarov (Russia)
16:30-16:45 Anaesthesiologic methods in orthopedic patients rehabilitation. А.М. Strokan
16:45-17:00 Multimodal regional analgesia by KISS principles. V.S. Fesenko
17:00-17:15 Sciatic nerve block in traumatologic patient treatment optimization. М.L. Homon